Wednesday, December 15, 2010

See How They've Grown

The first photo of Necia and the puriri tree were taken in June when they were both new to the class. The second photo was taken six months later.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I went on a school trip and it was gymnastics. It was fun jumping in the pit and I liked doing the forward roll and I liked putting my feet up on the wall. Fun! Fun! Fun!


Yesterday I went to gymnastics and my team jumped into the sponge at different times and we did lots of games and at the end I was sweaty.


I went to the gymnastics in Takanini yesterday. I went on some bars and I liked jumping in the pit. It was a little bit hard to flip on the rings. I liked jumping five times on the trampoline. I like gymnastics.


Three Week Later

Remember those bean embryos we placed on wet cotton wool. This is what they look like now. The one that we removed from the rest of the seed has died. The other has grown bigger even though it has no soil.