Sunday, August 29, 2010

Polka of the Rabbits

On Friday it was Grandparents' Day at Ramarama School. The Room One Grandparents helped the children make rabbits' tails. We would be very happy to add a photo of the grandparents joining in the dance.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

Maths Week

Week Two in August was Maths Week. During the week we had:-
  • A visit by Sione from the ASB who talked to us about financial literacy.
  • A maths open day when parents came to watch and join with our maths activities. Room One Children showed how we could name shapes by looking at their sides and corners.

Cure Kids

On Friday this week the whole school dressed in mufti to support Cure Kids. Here are the Rooms One and Two Children showing their blue wrist bands which they received as a thank you for their gold coin donations. Click on the picture to enlarge it.